Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Feeling my body and being in my own skin!

Part of my Somatic Experiencing® homework has involved being in a nice warm bubble bath, with candles, to relax and enjoy feeling the water on my body, how it flows around its edges and then to explore my body through palpation. I have been developing this for a while and lately been at the stage of making more stronger 'squeezing' like touch on major muscle groups, bilaterally and body-wide. I enjoyed the feelings, they were not alarming, and  I liked being in the water.

Afterwards I went to bed and read a chapter of my book, and lay in bed and felt, for the first time for as long as I can remember that I could feel the whole of my body, it's complete outline and that I fit in my own skin. I was aware of everywhere. I felt peaceful and blissfully happy and relaxed. There is so much to live for.

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